Monday, 8 November 2010

Devising Drama 12 steps


1. Opening games: Pairs. Old Passenger asks another disabled one to give up their seat. Teacher and pupil. Forgotten homework. All using vowels only.
2. In fours: Police question two suspects about a crime. Status. Brief: Police do not believe the peoples’ evidence.
3. Show Spear: Who was there and when in fours ( set up already) WASP Writer, Artist, Storyteller, Poet)?
4. Introducing a drama for first time : Intro the silent child drama : Dr Ryan intro their role and teacher in role. What, where, who, when.
5. Groups of four asked to respond with question which is charted on board. Form these questions roles and respondents shoudl emerge.
6. Who would have a question to ask here? Of whom would it be asked?
Purpose -> to find : The ABC: A BIG problem we all CARE about.
7. Students draw a body on chart : make decision about state of person.Unconscious, dead, sleeping, missing? ( Could it be faory tale?)
8. Then decide the who, where, what and when.
9. Then add a found object which complicates the crime . Letter, spear, money, bag etc.
10. Then students practise going into role as teacher in role , bringing pupils into role, setting the who where what and when . Then the questions that children might have to ask of these people. Then set up role plays.
11. Later deal with the effects of the crime on the people we know already. If a missing or unconscious or disabled one, how is life for the people affected now. In one year’s time.
12. Show photo of Christmas one year later for each protagonist