Wednesday, 13 October 2010

From KDS to drama

Task 1
Physical: Group walking backwards
Verbal: Group in circle: All those who…
Concentration: Prisoner and the guards/ Counting circle
Task 2
Introduce Story
. Contrast with last week’s picture. Need for focussed questioning and quick embodiment of ideas. Break group into six fours. Give each an Enquiry role. One is recorder, two is speller, three is feeder back, and four is finder. Hand out sheets. Group sits in its own circle.
Task 3
Teacher reads story.
Listening task for participants. Group have to spot on their script the places where decisions were made. In twos reflect. Feed back in two’s what the major decisions were. (Changes might be good word too). Teacher list the major decisions, looking for events of departure and arrival.
Task 4
Participants introduced to what we KNOW and what we DON'T KNOW and what we SUSPECT about the story in questions.
Each group works for four mins on KNOW and then we share walk and returning to our own chart make whatever additions we feel might be helpful. Now each group will have a word or phrase. Ask them to make a 30 Video clip of that phrase as it relates to the story. (Lack of appreciation may mean littering the countryside). Groups move to performance space where they explore this question by creating a short presentation in role as characters form the story. This is view in carousel.
We go back to the sheets again in our small groups. We tackle the second section (DON’T KNOW) and repeat the sequence. What should happen here is s sharper focus on the theme and how this is expressed in the lives of the characters. Finally we work on the SUSPECT part. Here we look for things hidden and secret that needs to be revealed for the story to be solved. Again children show their learning ideas.
Task 5
in the form of written, drawn, sung or poetic may accompany this work, indeed it adds to it.
Task 6
Missing person

Who is the missing person (Detective ?) and how does s/he affect the action. At this stage it might be good to put participants in role as detectives of some sort and teacher in role as chief detective with problem to be solved (the hidden secret of the village, see above)
Colm Hefferon
October 2010